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men under 35

Corner Brook, Nfld defeated Memorial High School 1 75-55 on behalf of Division Honoree Ronnie Shaw, in the Men’s 35Under division.  This is Corner Brooks first time in the tournament.  Shown in the picture, front row kneeling are tournament MVP, Michael Tavenor, Brendan Buckle, and Brad Byrne (tournament All Star).  Back row, left to right Greg Myrden, Mark Tavenor (Tournament All Star), and Jacob Keats.   MVP picture is of Michael Tavenor, Corner Brook.

Watch the Championship Game ... NFLD vs MHS1
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Sydney Academy defeated Riverview High School 62-51, on behalf of division honoree Debbie Ruiz, to claim their first Simon Chiasson Alumni title after having been in the finals the previous two times.  Shown in the photo are: Front row, sitting: Leah Seiniewicz, Jennifer Kendrick, and Candace Reynolds.  Back row, left to right are: Sarah Rudderham, Becky Chisholm, Kim Reynolds, Kayla McCarron (Tournament All Star), Nicole Parago, Tamara Alleyne Tournament All Star), and Heather Wall.  MVP picture is of Becky Hannah from Riverview High School

Watch the Championship Game ... SA1 vs RHS
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Pictou County defeated Antigonish in the Men’s 35+ Division 61-47, on behalf of Division Honoree Eddie Lawless.  This is Pictou County’s first title after having lost to Sydney Academy in last year’s 35+ finals.  Shown in the above photo from left to right: Angus MacDonald (Tourney MVP), Wil Van Hal, Allan Hines, Mark Stinson, Aron Ashton, John D Sylliboy, and Mike MacMillan. Missing from photo are Tony Wright, and Chris MacDonald.  MVP picture is Angus MacDonald, Pictou County

Watch the Championship Game ... PC vs DrJHG
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